1 introduction, 2 preparations, Introduction – Barco RLM G5I PERFORMER R9010320 User Manual

Page 121: Preparations, Display setup

background image

13. Display Setup

13.8.1 Introduction

Why ScenergiX ?

When working in a multichannel setup the RLM G5i Performer and its Soft Edge possibilities enable an image blending that gives
the appearance of a single view, thus achieving realistic immersion for the majority of wide screen applications.

Image 13-16
Why Soft Edge?

What is the Basic Principal of ScenergiX ?

The principle of edge blending is archived by linear modulation of the light output in the overlap zone so that the light output in that
zone equals the light output of the rest of the image.

Adjustable overlapping area





image 2

image 1

image 2

image 1

Light output per image

Total composite light output

Image 13-17
ScenergiX Basic Principle

13.8.2 Preparations

ScenergiX Preparations

To ensure proper ScenergiX adjustment, be sure that the following adjustments are done perfectly on all projectors:

Convergence (Electronic Convergence).


Color Matching (Color Temperature, Input Balance, Gamma)

R5976815 RLM G5I PERFORMER 02/06/2006