Adaptec Storage Manager User Manual
Adaptec Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- About This Guide
- Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager
- Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager
- Step 2: Starting Adaptec Storage Manager
- Step 3: Exploring Adaptec Storage Manager
- Step 4: Building Your Storage Space
- Step 5: Customizing Adaptec Storage Manager
- Running Adaptec Storage Manager from the CD
- Managing Logical Drives and Hot Spares
- Protecting Your Data
- Monitoring Your Storage Space
- Monitoring Options
- Checking Activity in Your Storage Space
- What Do the Status Icons Mean?
- Using Event Notifications to Monitor Status
- Setting up Event Notifications
- Managing the Event Notification List
- Monitoring and Managing the Notification Log
- Disabling Event Notifications
- Setting Up Email Notifications
- Managing the Email List
- Monitoring and Managing the Email Log
- Changing the Email Notification Manager Settings
- Disabling Email Notifications
- Broadcasting Event Alerts to Users
- Silencing and Testing the Audible Alarm
- Viewing Component Properties
- Managing Tasks
- Managing Remote Systems
- Working with Display Groups
- Managing Controllers and Disk Drives
- Solving Problems
- Configuring SNMP Support
- Quick Answers to Common Questions...
- How do I...?
- Set up my storage space?
- Open the Configuration wizard?
- Turn off the alarm?
- Add a new user to Adaptec Storage Manager?
- Add a remote system?
- Prevent a user from changing my storage space?
- Check disk drive or logical drive status?
- Access a feature with a padlock icon beside it?
- Log out of Adaptec Storage Manager?
- Schedule a task?
- Find the Task Manager?
- Find the Notification Manager?
- Find the Email Notification Manager?
- What’s the difference between...?
- How do I...?
- Buttons and Icons At-a-Glance
- Understanding RAID
- Glossary
- Index
- Customer Support Information