Audio-Technica ATW-T210A User Manual

Page 8

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2000 Series Installation and Operation


Setting Levels (Continued)
ATW-T210a UniPak



Trimmer adjustments in the UniPak


transmitter (

Fig. E

) will enable you

to use microphones or instruments with different output levels.

1. For MIC: Set microphone level trim control fully clockwise

(maximum) and instrument level trim control fully counterclockwise

(minimum). Factory setting is fully clockwise (maximum).

For INSTRUMENT: Set instrument level trim control fully clockwise

(maximum) and microphone level trim control fully counterclockwise

(minimum). Factory setting is fully clockwise (maximum).

2. Set the receiver’s AF Level control to its full clockwise position

(maximum). See

Figure D

on page 5.

3. Plug the mic or instrument into the transmitter and power up the


4. For MIC: Make an initial adjustment of the mixer’s level controls that

will allow audio through the system.

For INSTRUMENT: Make an initial adjustment of the instrument

amplifier input level control that will allow audio through the system.

5. For MIC: While speaking/singing into the microphone at typically

loud levels, check the AF meter levels on the receiver. If all five

meter bars are consistently illuminated and distortion is heard

through the system, it may be necessary to adjust the UniPak

transmitter audio input level. To adjust the transmitter audio input

level, gently turn the microphone level trim control counterclockwise

until the topmost receiver AF level meter bar is illuminated only on

audio peaks.

For INSTRUMENT: While playing the instrument at typically loud

levels, check the AF meter levels on the receiver. If all five meter

bars are consistently illuminated and distortion is heard through

the system, it may be necessary to adjust the UniPak transmitter

audio input level. To adjust the transmitter audio input level, gently

turn the instrument level trim control counterclockwise until the

topmost receiver AF level meter bar is illuminated only on audio


6. For MIC: While again speaking/singing into the microphone at

typically loud levels, adjust the mixer’s input trim control so the

highest sound pressure level going into the microphone causes no

input overload in the mixer, and yet permits the mixer’s channel and

output level controls to operate in their “normal” range (not set too

high or too low).

For INSTRUMENT: While again playing the instrument at typically

loud levels, adjust the receiver’s AF Level control so the highest

signal level causes no input overload in the instrument amplifier

and yet permits the amplifier’s input level controls to operate in their

“normal” range (not set too high or too low).

Note: If the mixer cannot be adjusted to operate in its normal

range without distortion, adjust the receiver’s AF Level Control (turn

counterclockwise) until the mixer/ amplifier is no longer overloaded.

Fig. E

– UniPak


Transmitter Open

Receiver Squelch
The squelch control on the back panel of the receiver is preset
at the factory for best system performance (factory setting is full
counterclockwise), but can be adjusted if you must use the system in
an area with considerable RF interference. If there is interference in
the audio, and changing the channel is not an option, adjust the squelch
control so the system will receive the signal from your transmitter but
will “squelch” or eliminate the unwanted background RF noise. This
adjustment can cause a reduction in useable range of the wireless
transmitter, so set the control to the lowest position that reliably mutes
the unwanted RF signals.




Audio Input Jack


Microphone Level Trim





RF Power

Select Switch

Service Port

(for factory use only)


Arm with



Power-on LED