Control options – Pulsafeeder PULSAtron Series MP EN User Manual

Page 13

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You can always get to where you want to go simply by accepting or rejecting choices presented.

If you find yourself within a menu where you don't want to be, keep selecting No until you return to the main menu.

If you go past the desired selection by mistake, keep selecting No and the pump will take you back to it.

A partly flashing display requires your response.

A flashing question mark requires a Yes or No answer.

Flashing arrows require an Up or Down numerical adjustment. To make large numerical adjustments quickly, hold down
either the Up or Down arrow buttons. The value in the display will change at an increased rate.

A fully flashing display is an alarm.

If power is interrupted, the pump will automatically resume operating where it left off when power is restored. The pump
will remember this while power is off.



The pump operates continuously at the set rate over the span 1-100% of maximum.


Each pulse received from the external signal port causes the pump to immediately stroke once at a rate limited by the
maximum rate of the pump, 125 strokes per minute.

In the Pulse Storage option, any pulse frequency received which is at a higher rate than the pump can respond to (125
contacts per minute), will cause excess pulses to be accumulated in memory. The pump will work off the excess pulses
at a rate of 125 strokes per minute when the signal level drops below the maximum rate. If the accumulation exceeds
9,999 pulses, memory storage capacity is exceeded and the Pulse Overflow alarm is triggered. During the Pulse
condition the pump operates at 125 strokes per minute; when the incoming rate drops below 125 pulses per
minute, normal Pulse Storage operation resumes, starting with a full memory.


The pump operates as described above except that incoming pulses are divided by a value from 1 to 999 prior to
actuating the pump. For example, at a setting of 5, every fifth incoming pulse causes the pump to stroke once.

The Pulse Storage option operates as described above.

Pulse division makes it possible to "tune" the pump by adjusting its response to an external pulse signal, such as that from
a flow meter, which is of too high a frequency to cause the desired feed by directly stroking the pump.