Glossary of terms – Avital G5103 User Manual
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Glossary of terms
Control Unit:
The “brain” of your system. Usually hidden under-
neath the dash area of the vehicle. The control unit houses the
microprocessor which monitors your vehicle and controls all
system functions.
A physical connection to the system. An input can be
provided by a sensor, pinswitch or by existing systems in the
vehicle, such as ignition or courtesy lights.
A red light mounted at a discretionary location inside the
vehicle. It is used to indicate the status of your system.
Shock Sensor:
This system has a dual zone shock sensor. This
sensor is mounted in the vehicle and designed to pick up impacts
to the vehicle or glass.
A hand-held, remote control which operates the
various functions of your system.
Trigger or Triggered Sequence:
This is what happens when the
alarm “goes off ” or “trips.” The triggered sequence of your
system consists of the siren sounding and parking lights flashing
for the programmed duration.
Valet button:
A small push button mounted at a discretionary
location inside the vehicle. It is used to override the starter inter-
rupt when a transmitter is lost or damaged, or to enter or exit
Valet Mode.
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