Using your system – Avital G5103 User Manual

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While the system is armed, press simulataneously to enter

temperature auto statt mode. The vehicle is automatically

restarted if the interior temperature drops below 0 degrees


Using your system

Warning! Safety first

The following safety warnings must be observed at all times:

Due to the complexity of this system, installation of this

product must only be performed by an authorized Directed


When properly installed, this system can start the vehicle via

a command signal from the remote control transmitter.

Therefore, never operate the system in an enclosed area or

partially enclosed area without ventilation (such as a garage).

When parking in an enclosed or partially enclosed area or

when having the vehicle serviced, the remote start system

Note: Disarming the system while in temperature
autostart mode casuses the system to exit this mode.

Note: If the ignition is on, the temperature check
clockmode will not work.

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