Normal wear, Guarantee – Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions One Touch 531 User Manual

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Congratulations on choosing this mobile

phone - we hope that you will be totally

satisfied with it.

Notwithstanding any other applicable

statutory warranties, this mobile phone

is guaranteed against any manufacturing

defect for a period of ONE (1) year from

the date of purchase shown on your in-

voice. Nevertheless if the statutory war-

ranty in force in your country exceeds

one (1) year, the statutory warranty is

not affected by the manufacturer's war-

ranty. The present warranty terms also

apply to the battery and accessories but

for a period of SIX (6) months from the

date of purchase shown on your invoice.

Under the terms of this warranty, you

must inform your dealer or any mainte-

nance centre (see list of maintenance

centres at our website - www.alca- without delay, of any defect and

present the invoice given to you at the

time of purchase.

The dealer will decide whether to replace

or repair, as appropriate, all or any part

of the equipment (telephone or accesso-

ry) found to be defective. This warranty

covers the cost of parts and labour but

excludes any other costs. Repair or re-

placement may be carried out using re-

conditioned components offering

equivalent functionality.

Servicing under the terms of this warran-

ty, especially repair, modification or re-

placement of parts shall entitle to a three

month warranty unless there are statuto-

ry provisions to the contrary.

This warranty shall not apply to damage

or defects (to your telephone and/or ac-

cessory) caused by:

1.use not conforming with the instruc-

tions for use or installation,

2.non observation of the technical and

safety standards applicable in the

country where the equipment is used,

3.improper maintenance of batteries and

other sources of energy, and of the

overall electric installation,

4. accidents or the consequences of

theft, (of the vehicle), acts of vandal-

ism, lightning, fire, humidity, infiltra-

tion of liquids, atmospheric influences,

5.combination or integration of the

equipment in hardware not supplied or

not recommended by Alcatel, without

express written consent for such,

6.modifications, alterations, or repairs

carried out by parties not authorised by

Alcatel, the dealer or the approved

maintenance centre,

7.use of the equipment for a purpose

other than that for which it was de-


8.normal wear,

9.deterioration caused by external caus-

es (RF interference produced by other

equipment, fluctuations in mains volt-

age and/or voltages on telephone lines,


10.modifications made to the equipment

even if they are unavoidable due to

changes in regulations and/or modifi-

cation of network parameters,

11.connection faults resulting from unsat-

isfactory radio transmission or caused

by the absence of radio relay coverage.

Equipment on which markings or serial

numbers have been removed or altered,

and handsets on which labels have been

removed or deteriorated shall be exclud-

ed from the warranty.

The above provisions constitute the only

claims which can be made against the

manufacturer and dealer on the grounds

of equipment defects, this warranty ex-

cludes any other explicit or implied war-

ranty except the statutory warranty in

force in the user’s country.