Chapter summaries – Alienware Area-51 m5550 User Manual
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Alienware Area-51 m5550 Technical Reference
Chapter Summaries
The following is a summary of the available chapters and appendices in this manual.
Chapter 1: Getting to Know the Basics
In this chapter, you will learn the basic operations and features of your computer. It
gives you a general understanding of the components of your computer.
Chapter : BIOS Setup / Security
In this chapter, you will learn how to change various firmware settings and what the
settings mean. Also, you will learn how to take advantage of the built-in security
feature provided by the BIOS.
Chapter : Battery Power & Power Management
In this chapter, you will learn the fundamentals of power management and how to use
them to achieve longer battery life.
Chapter : Upgrading Your Computer
In this chapter, you will learn how to upgrade the system memory and the hard disk
drive, and how to install wireless mini PCI card.
Chapter 5: Trouble-Shooting
In this chapter, you will learn how to solve common hardware and software problems.
Appendix A: Product Specification
In this section, you will find a list of the computer’s system specifications.
Appendix B: Agency Regulatory Notices
In this section, you will find the general electro-magnetic and safety regulatory
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