Chapter a: pc i/o address reference, Pc i/o address usage – Advantech 4-Port RS-232 Interface card PCL-849 User Manual

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PCL-849 User's Manual

PC I/O Address Usage

The following table indicates the PC I/O address usage assignments.
To prevent the PCL-849 card settings from conflicting with other
device or I/O card settings, we recommend you refer to this table.

I/O Address


000 - 00F

DMA (8237A)

020 - 021

8259A IRQ Controller

040 - 043

8253/8254 Timer/Counter

060 - 063

PPI 8255A

070 - 071

Real-Time Clock

080 - 08F

DMA Page Register

0A0 - 0BF

8259A Interrupt Chip

0C0 - 0DF

Second DMA Controller 8237A

0F0 - 0FF

Math Coprocessor

1F0 - 1F8

AT Fixed Disk

200 - 20F

Game I/O

278 - 27F

Parallel Printer Adaptor #2

2F8 - 2FF

Serial Adaptor ( COM 2 )

320 - 32F

XT Fixed Disk

378 - 37F

Parallel Printer Adaptor #1

380 - 38F

SDLC Binary Communication Adaptor

3A0 - 3AF

Master Binary Communication Adaptor

3B0 - 3BF

Monochrome/Parallel Adaptor

3D0 - 3DF

Color Graphics Adaptor

3F0 - 3F7

Diskette Controller

3F8 - 3FF

Serial Adaptor ( COM 1 )