Getting started – ALK Technologies COPILOT LIVE 7 User Manual
Page 8

Getting started
Automatically activating CoPilot Live
Internet to select it and then tap Next.
Enter your email address when requested and tap Next.
CoPilot will try to connect to the internet using the
internet connection on your mobile device.
To activate this way you must have a mobile
internet connection set up on your device.
: If a connection can’t be made an error screen
will show and you will be asked to return to the
previous screen to re-try or you can select No Internet.
Tap Back to do this.
Automatically activating CoPilot via a PC internet connection
If you connect your mobile device to your PC you can use the PC internet
connection to activate automatically.
Your mobile device needs to be connected to your PC via either
Microsoft ActiveSync (PCs running Windows XP or earlier) or Windows Mobile
Device Center (PCs running Windows Vista).
Your PC must be connected to the internet to activate automatically.
to select it and then tap Next.
CoPilot will automatically activate via your PC’s internet connection
to the activation server.
User Guide
01 Getting started