Boltek EFM-100 v.1 User Manual
Page 26
C H A P T E R 3 – C O N F I G U R I N G T H E S O F T W A R E
Data Source Name
Enter a descriptive name for each field mill. If you are displaying the data from more than one field
mill the name will be used to identify the source of the data. Select individual field mills in the Field
Mill Selection box above.
Enabled Checkbox
Check this checkbox to enable the display of data for the currently selected field mill.
Data Source Point
Select the type of connection to the field mill: Serial/USB, Network, or EFA-20. Select Serial/USB
for field mills connected to the computer directly using the EFA-10. Select Network to display the
data from a remote computer. Select EFA-20 for field mills connected to the computer using the
EFA-20 fiber optic adapter.
Com Port
For field mills connected directly to the computer select the COM port allocated to the connection.
For field mills connected using a RS232 COM port this is usually COM1 or COM2. For USB
connected field mills this is usually COM3 – COM9.
For remote field mills enter the host and domain name or the IP address of the computer which is
sharing a field mill.
For remote field mills enter the port number of the field mill from the computer which is sharing the
field mill. See EFM Options: Data Sharing for more information.
Serial Number
When EFA-20 is selected as the Data Source Point, select the corresponding serial number for the
data you want to display. If using multiple EFA-20 adapters, the unique serial number is located on
the bottom of each EFA-20 for easy identification.