Tsp series “66” servicing instructions, General pump – General Pump 66 Series TSP User Manual

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A member of the Interpump Group

Ref 300937 Rev. A


TSP Series “66”

Servicing Instructions

Replacing Packings:

1) Remove manifold from crankcase.

2) Insert proper extractor collet through main seal retainer.

Tighten collet and extract retainers, packings and

head rings.

3) Apply grease to the packing assembly before installing in


4) Place proper insertion tool in cylinder and install packing

assembly, retainer and low pressure seal retainer using

the proper insertion tool.

5) Repeat this sequence for each cylinder.

6) Align outside pistons in forward position.

7) Coat each plunger with grease.

8) Install manifold and torque retainers to specifications.

Changing Oil:

1) Remove drain plug.

2) Drain oil.
3) Replace plug.

8) Refill with new oil.

Recommended Tools/Supplies:

1) KINSTSF66 Packing Insertion Kit, 66 Series

2) 100783 Complete Extraction Kit

Includes the following tools:

2530016 handle

2530020 15mm sleeve

2530017 bolt

2530021 18mm sleeve

2530018 pin

2530022 20 mm sleeve

2530023 22 mm sleeve

2530024 24 mm sleeve

3) 190446 Oil Drain Kit

4) 100295 General Pump Series 100 Oil (1-16 oz. bottle)

100214 General Pump Series 100 Oil (6-16oz. bottles)

100216 General Pump Series 100 Oil (24-16 oz. bottles)

GENERAL PUMP 1174 Northland Drive • Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Phone: (651)686-2199 • Fax: (800)535-1745 • e-mail: [email protected] •