Perma Pure Modular Board User Manual

Page 6

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If a ‘TC Failure’ is detected the display will switch between showing
blank and the letters “tcF”.

If both a ‘TC Failure’ and a ‘Water Slip’ failure are detected the display
will switch between showing the letters “tcF” and a symbolic “SLP”.
The display switches every second between “tcF” and “SLP”.

The single ‘Water Slip’ alarm will be displayed on both channels.

A single channel, channel 1, can be constantly displayed be selecting the

switch option in set up and omitting the switch.

Detailed LED Description

The LED indicators show the current channel being displayed.

The top LED, which is green, will turn on when channel 1 is displayed.

The lower LED, which is green, will turn on when channel 2 is displayed.


Single Channel Cooler

The impinger temperature is available as a voltage output equal to 0.1 V / °C.

Analog out 1 is controlled by the temperature measured from thermocouple #1.

Each control board has two field replaceable relays.

Relay 1 is activated when the impinger temperature is below the user set ‘Ready’
temperature. The relay does not deactivate until the impinger temperature rises to
0.5 °C above the ‘Ready’ temperature. This hysteresis is set to avoid relay chatter
when the impinger is near the set temperature.

Relay 2 is activated when the ‘Water Slip’ sensor is dry and the system is working
properly. The relay is off when water is detected at the sensor.

Both relays have two sets of contacts. The standard factory wiring uses one set to
operate a sample pump. The second set of contacts is available for field wiring by
the user.

The relays can be selected to operate either in automatic reset or latching by the




The impinger temperature is available as a voltage output equal to 0.1 V / °C.