Luna FIBER OPTIC SWITCH 008 and 036 User Manual
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LTFOS REV. 006 04/15/2013
©Luna Innovations Incorporated, Roanoke, VA
All rights reserved.
Fiber Optic Switches
provide a cost-effective way to multiplex fiber optic testing requirements. An
example where multiplexed testing can save both time and expense is in manufacturing test of modern, multi-
channel dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) fiber components and systems. Typical components,
found in a DWDM architecture, include both static and dynamically controlled multi-channel filters (AWGs,
ROADMS, etc.). As bandwidth increases, so do the testing requirements for these backbone components.
Typical testing requirements for DWDM components include Insertion Loss, Polarization Dependant Loss,
Chromatic Dispersion, Group Delay Ripple and Polarization Mode Dispersion, which are all measured with
high wavelength resolution (< 10pm) over the entire communications band (e.g. 1525 nm – 1565 nm). For
multi-port components, this may lead to hours of testing for a single component.
Luna’s solution is simple: Integrate our
Optical Vector Analyzer
with the FOS
036 using our
Software Developer Kit
easy introduction of multiport testing into
any environment. Stable, configurable
and fast, this combination enables testing
a high-port count DWDM for all
parameters in a matter of minutes.
Multi-port DWDM Component Testing
Skew measurements can now be made on multimode and/or single-
mode fiber cables and ribbons using Luna’s user-friendly
Developer Kit
in conjunction with a Luna
Optical Backscatter
and the Luna
Fiber Optic Switch
. The skew
measurement capability relies on the OBR’s ability to measure
minute reflections (< -135 dB) out to 2 kilometers with zero dead
zone and industry-leading sub-millimeter spatial resolution.
Skew is determined by making a single-ended time-of-flight
measurement of each fiber in a cable strand and computing the
path differential, which is then graphically displayed to the user.
With the single click of a button, this can all be achieved in less
than one minute. Additionally, with the same measurement, the
user can apply OBR software tools to characterize the dispersion of
each fiber in the cable strand, and reduce overall test time and the
duplication of equipment.
Fast and Accurate Fiber SKEW Measurement