Luna OVA 5000 LP User Manual
Luna Equipment

(Model OVA 5000 LP)
3157 State Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Support phone: 1.866.586.2682
Access industry-leading measurements at a
lower cost with the OVA 5000 LP.
Investment Protection: With the OVA 5000 LP, you
can cost effectively invest in a Luna solution today for
IL/PDL/PMD, and upgrade the OVA 5000 LP as your
testing needs expand.
Industry Standard: The Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis
method used by the OVA 5000 LP is the industry
standard for measuring PMD.
Industry-Leading Speed and Accuracy: The OVA
5000 LP has the highest accuracy and speed in the
industry, with characterization over the full C & L bands
in less than 3 seconds.
Best in Class Dynamic Range: Recognized across the
industry as the leading tool for making component and
system level polarization dependent measurements with
dynamic range in excess of 60 dB.
The Luna
OVA 5000 LP
is the fastest, most accurate
and economical tool for loss and polarization
measurements of modern optical networking
With the OVA 5000 LP, production cost, development
cost and time to market for passive optical components
and modules can be reduced by up to 60%. Luna’s
OVA 5000 LP characterizes passive optical
components with industry-leading speed and accuracy.
With a single sweep of an internal tunable laser, the
OVA 5000 LP measures:
Insertion Loss (IL)
Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL)
Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) /
Second Order PMD
Optical Time Domain Response
Jones Matrix Elements