Andrew ATC200-Lite User Manual

Page 35

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ATC200-Lite Teletilt


Remote Control Downtilt System

Section 5–Device Configuration

Bulletin 639510

May 2005


3. Click on the down arrow found on the right hand side of the ‘Antenna Model‘ drop down

list. This will display all of the available Andrew base station antenna models that were

contained in the antenna definition file that was loaded at program startup (Figure


4. Select the desired antenna model for this actuator. Note that after an antenna model is

selected, its minimum and maximum electrical down tilt range values are displayed just

below the drop down list (Figure 5-2).

IMPORTANT: The antenna model selected *must* match the actual installed antenna

that is attached to the actuator that is being configured. Movement data specific to

this antenna will be sent to the actuator as a result of this selection. If the antenna

model selected does not match the attached antenna, the movement range sent

to the actuator will be incorrect and may prevent the antenna from functioning

correctly. See Appendix B for a reference of antenna models compatible for use with the

ATC200-Lite Teletilt


system. For the most current listing of antenna models designed for

use with the ATC200-Lite Teletilt


system, see the Base Station Antenna Teletilt


area of

Andrew’s web site at

5. Use the ‘Antenna Type’ drop down list to select the antenna type that is correct for the

antenna model selected (Figure 5-2). Note that this value is used for reference only and

has no direct affect upon the Actuator/Antenna that is being configured.

6. Enter the serial number of the antenna that is attached to this actuator in the ‘Antenna

Serial #’ text entry field. Note that this field is optional. However, if it is entered, it must

be from 1 to 17 characters in length, and it may contain any combination of letters and

numbers (Figure 5-2).

7. Using the drop down lists and entry fields, specify the parameters for the remaining fields

(Frequency Band, Technology, Base Station ID, Installer ID, Installation Date, Mechanical

Tilt, Bearing, Height, Sector, and Location). Note the following:

• A positive mechanical tilt angle means that the antenna beam is directed below the

horizontal plane. A negative mechanical tilt angle means that the antenna beam is

directed above the horizontal plane.

• The bearing is the installed compass orientation for this antenna.

• The height of the antenna on the tower must be entered in the range of 1 to 999. No

specific unit of length, such as feet or meters, is associated with this field. However,

you should enter a value that conforms to the units of length customarily used by

your company for antenna installations.

• The ID for the base station associated with this antenna must be 1 to 12 characters in

length, and it may contain any combination of numbers and letters.

• The Installation Date field is handled differently from all other configuration items.

Although this field is not required, if no installation date has been saved on the

actuator the program will suggest the current date as the default. If the current date

is used, it will be saved on the actuator when the ‘Configure’ button is activated.