AAON RN-140 User Manual
Page 115

April 2011
Updated the condenser water connection sizes in Table I12 and added Table I13 – SMO 254
Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger Water Connections.
June 2011
Updated 2” Pleated 30% efficiency filters from MERV 7 to MERV 8.
March 2012
Updated manual to include 55, 65 and 75-140 unit sizes. Instructions for piping gas heat
exchanger condensate, if code requires, were added in the gas heating section. Added hot water,
steam, and chilled water coil connection sizes. The part number of this IOM was changed from
R90720 to R90721.
June 2012
Update of the IOM adding brazed plate heat exchanger cleaning instructions and adding
compressor lubricant warning.
October 2012
Update of the IOM adding seismic curb installation instructions and adding VFD controlled and
ECM driven condenser fan information.
November 2012
Update of the IOM adding information about compressor cycling.
June 2013
Added options to the feature string, added curb gasket information, added auxiliary electric
heating capacities table, added section for microchannel coil cleaning, added section for variable
capacity compressor controller, and added Appendix B.
October 2013
Corrected the tables and figures of filters and pre filters for 55, 65, and 75-140 ton units, added
end flashing installation section for 55, 65, and 75-140 ton units, and added cautions calling for
the need to seal water, electrical, and gas entries into the unit.
January 2014
Added options for electric preheat for 6-25 and 30 ton units.
February 2014
Added energy recovery wheel installation, maintenance, and startup information.