Yamaha DPX-1300 User Manual

Page 38

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Menu items

Overshoot Supp. Range

Adjusts the range of the overshoot surpression in the outline of the

projected images.
This function is only available for SDTV and EDTV.
Choices: 1 to 5

Noise Reduction Type

(Input signal)
Video/S-Video/Component/RGB TV

Reduces noise in the images.
Digital processing eliminates noise in the luminance and color signals from sources with a
comparatively large amount of noise, producing a more vivid image. Use when the quality
of th sources you are viewing requres it.
Choices: Off/3DNR/DVNR
• [3DNR] :3D Noise Reduction

This function is only available for SDTV, EDTV, and HDTV.
Reduces noise in the luminance and color signals and random noise by pixel

• [DVNR] :Digital Video Noise Reduction

This function is only available for SDTV.
Reduces mosquito noise and block noise caused by compression of the digital
video images.

Horiz. Display Position

(Input signal)
RGB PC /Component/RGB TV
(except for HDMI/DVI signals)

Adjusts the horizontal display position of the image.
Choices: -10 to 0 to +10

Vert. Display Position

(Input signal)
RGB PC/Component/RGB TV
(except for HDMI/DVI signals)

Signal Status

Displays the resolution of the image signal the unit is receiving.
Sync signal information for RGB type inputs is also displayed.

Overshoot Supp. Level

(Input signal)
Video/S-Video/Component/RGB TV

Adjusts the level of the overshoot surpression in the outline of the projected

This function is only available for SDTV and EDTV.
Choices: Off/1/2/3

Noise Reduction Level

(Input signal)
Video/S-Video/Component/RGB TV

Adjust the level of the noise reduction.
Choices: 1/2/3/4

Adjusts the vertical display position of the image.
Choices: -5 to 0 to +5

(Input signal)
Video/S-Video/Component/RGB TV

Signal Level

(Input signal)
RGB TV (HDMI/DVI signals only)

Select the range of the black level and white level in the input signal for HDMI

and DVI signals.
This function is only available when RGB TV is selected.
Choices: 16 to 235/0 to 255


9/20/05, 4:01 PM