X-Micro Tech. 400 User Manual

Page 31

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The Paus e I nterface

Interface Di splay
When you enter into the Pause i nterface, the Pause stat us will be
dis played and us er’s operati ons are wanted. In this case,
00: 00:03 wi ll flash at the rat e of once per second.
But ton Function in the Paus e Interface

Short-Press of PLAY/ A-B: To return to the Recording

i nterface t o res ume recording.

Long-Press of PLAY/ A-B: To ret urn to the Stop

i nterface and save the recording in the fil e s ystem.

LAST, NE XT, Vol+ and Vol-: Disabled.


Stop recordi ng when the electronic si gnal level is t oo

l ow.
During the pause, i f t he el ectronic signal level is too low, the
recordi ng file wi ll be saved, and then the player will return to
t he St op i nterface.


Auto Off

In t he Stop i nterface or the Paus e i nt erface and its sub-int erfaces,
i f t he idle time reaches the setting value i n t he s ystem
management , t he player will go int o the Standby mode, and the
recorded s ound in the Paus e i nt erface will be saved.