X-Micro Tech. 400 User Manual

Page 28

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The i nterface is similar with the one above.
Button Functi on i n the Stop Interf ace

Long-Press of MODE: To return to t he mai n menu.


Short -Press of MODE: To ent er into the Stop Menu

i nterface.

Short -Press of A-B/PLAY: To enter t he recording

i nterface and start recordi ng.

Long-Press of PLAY: t o t urn t he player off.


LAST and NEXT: Di sabl ed.


“ Vol+” and “Vol-”: Dis abled.

The Stop Menu Interf ace
Note: You can select Local folder, REC Types and Exit i n here.
When you enter into this i nterface, the enabled posit ion is t he
one where you qui t last ti me.
Interface Di splay:
The s tyle is the same as that of t he St op i nterface of Musi cal
File Playback.
But ton Function in the St op Menu Interface is the short-press
funct ion of s tandard icon menu.
Directory Sel ection Interf ace
Note: Here, you can sel ect any direct ory as your current
recordi ng di rectory. When you ent er into the recordi ng interface,
you will be l ocated at the current direct ory of the current di sk.
Interface Di splay
Its style is t he same as that of the Directory Selecti on of musi cal
fi les.

Support the l ong name of directory

But ton Function in the Di rectory Sel ect ion Interface