Galileo, Waypoints – Whistler GPS User Manual
Page 23

A waypoint is a marker, shown on the map, to a location
you would like to come back to another time. This
waypoint could be a POI, intersection or a favorite fishing
spot. Up to 500 waypoints can be stored in the Galileo
Waypoints can also be grouped/recalled by name, i.e.,
FISH1 or CAMP2. Up to eight characters can be used for
a name. The Galileo
groups waypoints by the first
character in the name. If that character is blank then it
groups by the next character i.e., “_FISH_ _ _” will be
grouped different than “FISH_ _ _ _” or “_ _ _ _ FISH” or
even “_ _FISH_ _”.
Set a Waypoint
1. Move the Direction Button to the location you want to come
back to.
2. Press and hold the OK Button until the waypoint screen is
shown. See 21-A. A default waypoint name is automatically
given to this location.
3. To keep the default name simply press the OK Button or move
the selection to the “Check” box and press the OK button.
The waypoint will be saved with the default name and
displayed on the map page. See 21-B.
4. To change the default name or add a comment simply move
the Direction Button to that field and press the OK Button.
5. With the field highlighted press the OK Button. Move the
Direction Button up or down to select a different letter,
number, or character.
6. Move the Direction Button right or left to move to the
next area.
7. Press the OK Button to enter the changes for this field.
8. Move the Direction Button to the next field or simply move to
the “Check” box to save changes and go back to the Map page.
Do not change the information in the other two fields!
See page 26 for more information.
9. To have the waypoint not to be shown on the Map Page,
simply uncheck the box under the “Active” field.
Marking a
Set a