Ashes - removal and disposal, Glass replacement instructions for 2007b – United States Stove Company 2007B User Manual

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1. Be sure heater has cooled before beginning.

2. Remove 12, 8-32 x

¼ screws and glass re-

tainers with screw driver.

3. Remove damaged glass (2).

4. To reinstall glass, follow steps 1-2 in reverse

order. Be sure to replace the gasket on the


5. Caution: Do not operate with broken glass.

6. When removing broken glass, wear thick

gloves, and safety glasses. Keep children

away. Discard broken glass.

Ashes should not be allowed to accumulate inside

the heater to the point that they obstruct airflow

through the burning wood. If ashes obstruct the

airflow, poor burning of the wood is likely.
When removing ashes from the heater, wear non-

combustible gloves to protect your hands from hot

surfaces. Remove the ash dump cover exposing the

hole in the bottom of the firebox. Rake ashes through

the hole into the ash pan in the pedestal using an

ash shovel. Put the ash dump cover back in place

before removing the ash pan. Remove ash pan and

dump ashes into a safe, noncombustible container.

Replace the ash pan after dumping the ashes.

ashes shoulD be PlaCeD in a metal

Container With a tiGht FittinG liD. the

CloseD Container oF ashes shoulD be

PlaCeD on a nonCombustible Floor or

on the GrounD, Well aWaY From all

Combustible materials, PenDinG Final

DisPosal. iF the ashes are DisPoseD oF

bY burial in soil or otherWise loCallY

DisPerseD, theY shoulD be retaineD in

the CloseD Container until all CinDers

haVe thorouGhlY CooleD.
Ashes should never be placed in a wooden, card-

board, or plastic container, nor in a paper or plastic

bag, no matter how long the fire has been out. Coals

have been known to stay hot for several days when

embedded in ashes.
neVer oPerate this heater With the

briCK CraDle or the ash Pan remoVeD

or DamaGeD.

Glass Replacement Instructions for 2007B

7. Use part no. 891108 only, to replace broken

glass. Glass dimensions (8

⅞ x 20¼ x 5mm)

high temp resistance glass

8. Warning: Do not slam door or strike glass.

Slamming door or striking glass may cause

glass to break.

9. Caution: Do not build fire directly on glass.

10. Warning: Do not use abrasive cleaners.

Abrasive cleaners may damage the glass.

11. Warning: Do not use substitute Materials.

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