Figure 6 – Quantum Tape Drive A-Series User Manual
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Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive
A-Series Data Cartridges
Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide
Figure 6 Write-protect Switch
on Super DLTtape II Data
• Slide the write-protect switch to the left to enable write protection
(you can read existing data; however, you cannot write over existing
data on the media, nor append additional data to the media). When
you move the write-protect switch to the left, a small orange
rectangle is visible. This is your visual reminder that you cannot
write data to the media.
• Slide the write-protect switch to the right to disable write protection
(you can write over existing data on the media, and you can append
additional data to the media unless the data cartridge is write-
protected via firmware). When write-protection is disabled, no
orange rectangle is visible.
The Super DLTtape II data cartridge has a keying feature to
ensure you cannot load it into a previous generation DLT tape
Orange Indicator
Slide RIGHT to Disable
Slide LEFT to Enable