Scenario 4 – remote bridging with modem connection, Commands setup for segment-1, Commands setup for segment-2 – N-Tron 102PC-SE User Manual

Page 31

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(Revised 2010-11-15)


Scenario 4 – Remote Bridging with Modem Connection

This example of remote transparent bridging uses a modem connection between the serial ports.

Transparent Bridging with Modem Connection

Commands Setup for Segment-1

# set ip eth0 dhcp-client disable
# set ip eth0 ip
# set bridge enable
# set bridge ipmodule ip-address
# set ppp ppp0 enable
# set ppp ppp0 raw-mode enable

[Only if simple AHDLC quoting on the serial port is required.]

# set serial s0 connect-type modem
# set serial s0 connect-state dialing
# set serial s0 modem init-string 1 "+++ATH0"
# set serial s0 modem init-string 2 "AT&F"
# set serial s0 modem dial-number 234
# set serial s0 baud-rate 115200
# set serial s0 data-bits 8
# set serial s0 parity none
# set serial s0 stop-bits 1
# save

Commands Setup for Segment-2

# set ip eth0 dhcp-client disable
# set ip eth0 ip
# set bridge enable
# set bridge ipmodule ip-address
# set ppp ppp0 enable
# set ppp ppp0 raw-mode enable

[Only if simple AHDLC quoting on the serial port is required.]

# set serial s0 connect-type modem
# set serial s0 connect-state answering
# set serial s0 modem init-string 1 "+++ATH0"
# set serial s0 modem init-string 2 "AT&F"
# set serial s0 baud-rate 115200
# set serial s0 data-bits 8
# set serial s0 parity none
# set serial s0 stop-bits 1


For simple AHDLC quoting on the serial port, the raw-mode has to be enabled on both the 102PC-SEs. Raw-mode is disabled by



102PC-SE Module-1 is configured for modem dialing. 102PC-SE Module-2 is configured for modem answering.


If you wish to have a complete control on the modem-dialing end, use the chat-scripts. By default the dialing-method is



Refer the following commands in the Command Line Section for more details on the chatscripts.

# set serial s0 modem dialing-method ?
# set serial s0 chat-script ?

Important Note:
The chat-script should be used ONLY FOR THE DIALING END.