Porsche 911 Carrera User Manual
Page 76

Brake pads
Wear on the brake pads and brake discs depends
to a great extent on the driving style and the condi-
tions of use and therefore cannot be expressed in
actual miles on the road.
The high-performance brake system is designed
for optimal braking effect at all speeds and
temperatures. Certain speeds, braking forces
and ambient conditions (such as temperature and
humidity) therefore might cause “brake noises”.
New brake pads or linings
New brake pads and brake discs have to be
“broken in”, and therefore only attain optimal
friction when the car has covered several hundred
miles or km. The slightly reduced braking ability
must be compensated for by pressing the brake
pedal harder. This also applies whenever the brake
pads and brake discs are replaced.
Controls, Instruments