Porsche 944 User Manual
Page 62

25. Disconnect leads from starting
motor and remove starting motor.
26. Remove clutch actuating cylinder
from bell housing. (Leave line
connected). Unbolt and remove
holder for line from upper
crankcase half.
27. Disconnect exhaust from flange of
exhaust manifold and disconnect
exhaust extraction line. Remove
oxygen-sensor cable from bodywork.
28. Disconnect flange downstream of
catalytic converter and suspension and
remove system.
29. Remove upper transaxle/bell
housing mounting bolts.
30. Disconnect coolant hoses for
heating above exhaust manifold
and from cylinder head.
31. Attach VW Special Tool 3033
suspension beam to transport
bracket of engine as follows:
Pulley end:
Flywheel end:
Position 2
Position 12
In position 2, the threaded rod is
beneath" the suspension beam. In
position 12, the threaded rod is
"above" the beam.
32. Tighten workshop crane e.g.
Bilstein K750 H slightly to take
part af engine weight and remove
support beam 10 - 222A.
Threaded rod af support beam
10 - 222A remains in front
suspension eye.
33. Remove lower transaxle/bell
housing mounting bolts.
10 - 106
Removing and Installing Engine
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