Porsche 944 User Manual
Page 3

volume I-A
Table of contents
Machining mating face, cylinder head
Vaive springs, removing and installing, removing valve stem seal
Valve stem seal, installing
Checking valve guides
Replacing valve guides
Checking valve seat wear limit
Valve seats, checking and machining
Checking and adjusting installation length of valve springs
Engine - Lubrication
Replacing engine oil and oil filter
Pressure-reduclng valve, removing and installing
Engine - Coating
Checking cooling and heating system for leaks
Fuel supply
Replacing fuel filter, checking injection lines for leaks and tightness
Checking delivery rate of fuel pump
Line routing, fuelsystem, M 44.40
Fuel preparation - L-Jetronic/regulation
Replacing air filter cartridge, checking intake-air guide hoses
Testing and adjusting specifications
Checking fuel pressure
Checking idle speed and CO - with catalytic convertor
Checking idle speed and CO - without catalytic convertor
Replacing air filter cartridge for Model 89 onward
Exhaust system
Exhaust system - check tightness of flanges
Ignition system
Equipment table
DEE control unit coding - 944 S, Model 87 onward
Replacing spark plugs
Equipment table, Model 89 onward
DEE control unit coding - 944 S 2, Model 89 onward
DME-Diagnosing / Troubleshooting
15 - 120
15 - 121
15 - 122
15 - 123
15 - 125
15 - 130
15 - 131
15 - 133
17 - 101
17 - 102
19 - 101
20 - 101
20 - 102
20 - 103
24 - 101
24 - 102
24 - 103
24 - 105
24 - 106
24 - 107
26 - 101
28 - 101
28 - 103
28 - 104
28 - 105
28 - 107
Table of contents
Printed in Germany - XXIV, 1991