PS Audio C250 User Manual

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Design Overview

Based on the classic lines of the P600

Power Plant, this is built in true ‘battleship’

fashion. This 95 pound audio sculpture is

simply magnificent in its build quality and

attention to detail.

The side heat sinks are on hinges and fold

down to expose the C250’s circuitry for

easier access to the internal circuitry.

No expense has been spared on the most

visible evidence of the Classic approach

to power amplification. The look exudes


The front panel is a nearly two inch thick

combination of extruded aluminum panels

tied together both top and bottom with one

inch slabs of hand finished aluminum. The

entire assembly is then melded together to

form the luscious curves you see.

Parts quality is second to none. Low ESR

capacitors, each with film and foil bypass

capacitors, 1% resistors throughout, 40

hand selected high current bipolar output

devices, two custom wound and individu-

ally serialized 800VA toroidal transform-

ers, and the front panel meter is a custom

manufactured replica of the classic Simp-

son volt meters of years ago. Nothing has

been spared in the Classic 250.

The design idea behind the Classic 250 is

based on the marriage of four discrete and

independent systems. The fact that each

of these systems is completely indepen-

dent both physically and electrically from

the other is one of the keys to the Classic

250’s sonic success.

The four sections are:

• The input gain stage

• The internal Power Plant

• The output X1 stage

• The main power supply

The Input Gain Stage

This critical element is, in large part, re-

sponsible for the way the amplifier sounds.

By carefully tuning the audio parameters

of the input gain stage we can tweak and

play with the amplifier until it sounds abso-

lutely musical.

In the Classic 250, the input gain stage

consists of two gain blocks: a zero feed-

back JFET input stage and a zero feed-

back bipolar stage. Both of these stages

are fully differential.

The input gain stage runs at extremely

high voltages. In fact, the 200 volts used

by this stage is one of the reasons why the

C250 sounds so open and musical even

during the loudest passage.

All the C250’s 30 dB of gain is produced

by the input gain stage. This stage is com-

pletely independent from the output cur-

rent gain stage. The input stage is fed by

its own regulated power supply that gets

its power from a built in Power Plant.

Because the input gain stage has no inter-

action with the output stage, the Classic

250 sounds the same on virtually any loud-

speaker load.

The Internal Power Plant

Our Power Plant AC regenerators have

revolutionized power within people’s

homes forever. Now it is available in a

specially tuned version designed to en-

hance the performance and long term reli-

ability of the C250.

The 40 watt Power Plant inside the C250,

with its own discrete and custom wound

toroidal transformer, independently powers

the entire input gain stage and was hand

tuned to maximize the amp’s performance.

After hours of listening tests we finally

settled on one of our original Power Plant

favorites, 120 Hz sine wave. This provides

the cleanest and most open sound for the