PS Audio C250 User Manual
Page 2

Quick Start Guide
1. Turn off your pre-amplifier or any other
piece of equipment to which the C250 will
be connected.
2. Ensure that you have a proper pair of
audio interconnects for the input signal
and a pair of speaker cables to connect
the C250 to your speakers.
3. Unpack the C250 and place it on a
smooth surface. (As with any amplifier it
is not advisable to place on carpet or other
airflow restricting materials.)
4a. Stereo Input: Choose either the
single-ended (RCA) or balanced (XLR)
input connections on the
back of the C250. There
is a selector switch for
each channel to activate
the connector you have
chosen. Only one type
of input, RCA or XLR, will
work at a time. Be sure
to set both the left and
right channel to either
RCA or XLR input.
4b. Mono Input: Follow
the red text on the back
of the C250 for mono setup. Set the rear
panel selector switch on the back panel to
“Mono.” This deactivates the right channel
input connectors. Use the left channel in-
put connectors to run your C250 in mono.
Don’t forget to set this input for RCA or
5. Connect the outputs of your pre-ampli-
fier or source equipment to the inputs of
the C250 according to the instructions in
4a for stereo or 4b for mono.
6a. Stereo Output: Connect your speak-
ers to the C250’s output terminals, labeled
“Right” and “Left.” Be sure to connect the
polarity of the speaker cables correctly.
Match the C250’s positive (red) and nega-
tive (black) terminals to the corresponding
speaker connections.
6b. Mono Output: To connect the C250 to
your speaker when in mono mode, follow
the red text on the back panel. Connect
your speakers’ positive lead to the left
channel (+) and the negative lead to the
right channel (+).
7. Locate the power cord supplied with
the C250 and plug it into the connection
labeled “AC Input.” The Classic 250 has
an auto-sensing input voltage circuit, so
the C250 is virtually plug-and-play in this
regard. For more information on input AC
voltage, see pages 7.
8. Plug the male end of
the power cord into your
wall receptacle. This
automatically engages
the regenerator and
voltage gain stage. The
meter display will light
up in yellow for a period
of 17 seconds during
this intial activation
phase. The Power but-
ton is purposefully kept
inactive during this time.
9. After 17 seconds and the meter display
has gone dim, turn on the C250 by press-
ing the button in the center of the chassis,
below the meter display. Also, turn on the
pre-amplifier and any other piece of equip-
ment needed to operate your system.
10. The C250 will power up in standby
mode for 40 seconds. During this period,
the front panel meter will light up in yel-
low and the PS logo in blue, indicating the
standby mode.
11. After 40 seconds the meter will light up
in blue. The C250 is now fully operational
and ready to drive your speakers. Start
the music and enjoy!!