Python 671XP User Manual
Page 40

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power activated, then Directed's 522T trunk release solenoid can
often be added.
Power Window Control:
Automatic power window control is pro-
vided with the 529T and 530T systems.
Mobile Video:
This system is compatible with Directed Video’s
MCB1000 Multi-Channel Controller, featuring on-screen secu-
rity system programming and zone trigger information.
Start System:
For the ultimate in convenience, the Valet
start system can start your vehicle, monitor engine functions,
and power your climate control system with a push of a button.
Over-rev protection, open-hood lockout, brake pedal shutoff,
and automatic timer shutoff are all included. (This feature is
only for automatic transmission, fuel-injected gasoline vehicles.)
543T XHFplus External Receiver/Antenna:
The 543T XHFplus
external receiver/antenna can be used to upgrade the trans-
mitter/receiver performance in areas of high radio interference
such as military bases, airports, and hospitals.