Setup – Lexicon RV-5 User Manual
Page 45

Note: If you have 5.1-channel or 7.1-channel ANALOG AUDIO assigned
to an Input using the BYPASS listening mode, only the Front Left and Front
Right channels will be sent to Zone 2 OUT with the ANALOG setting. In
this condition, DOWN MIX is not available.
The Main Zone and Zone 2 inputs are inter-related. For example,
there is only one HD input that is accessible in both the Main Zone
and Zone 2; there are NOT two separate HD inputs. Therefore, to
set the ZONE 2 OUT in a Main Zone input, the same Zone 2 input
must also be selected.
DOWN MIX is only available if the following conditions exist:
Zone 2 is ON (or the Zone 2 OFF button is not lit).
Zone 2 has the same input selected as the Main Zone.
If the Main Zone audio is ANALOG, it is not set to a BYPASS
listening mode.
If the ZONE-2 OUT parameter is set to ANALOG and an input has
stereo analog audio assigned to it (ANALOG 1 to ANALOG 6
connectors), then choosing that input in Zone 2 will allow it to play
the assigned ANALOG audio, regardless of what is playing in the
Main Zone.
If the ZONE-2 OUT parameter is set to DOWN MIX, selecting an
input in Zone 2 will have one of the following results:
If the Zone 2 input is the same as the Main Zone input, then
Zone 2 will output a DOWN MIX of the Main Zone audio.
If the Zone 2 input is NOT the same as the Main Zone input,
but the Zone 2 DIG AUDIO IN parameter is the same as the
selected Main Zone input, then Zone 2 will output a DOWN
MIX of the Main Zone audio.
If the Zone 2 input is NOT the same as the Main Zone input,
but the Zone 2 ANLG AUDIO IN parameter is set to 5.1
ANALOG or 7.1 ANALOG, then Zone 2 will output a DOWN
MIX of the Main Zone audio.
If the Zone 2 input is NOT the same as the Main Zone input,
but the Zone 2 ANLG AUDIO IN parameter is set to any of the
six stereo analog input connectors, then Zone 2 will output the
independent analog audio for that input.
The Tuner, PC, & Dock inputs are special cases that do not quite
function exactly as noted above. The ZONE-2 OUT parameter is
preset to ANALOG and cannot be changed to DOWN MIX.
Since the Tuner, PC, & Dock inputs operate independently of all
other inputs...
Any of the three may be selected in Zone 2 regardless of what is
playing in the Main Zone.
Any combination of these three inputs can be selected in the
Main Zone and Zone 2, including selecting any one them for
both Zones simultaneously.
If one of these three inputs is playing in the Main Zone, any
other ANALOG input can be chosen for Zone 2.