Lyson PHOTOCHROME R-38 User Manual

Refill cartridge system, R-38, Hoto

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Refill Cartridge System

Installation Instructions

Note: Ensure that you read this document before attempting to install the Lyson RCS System.

Installing inks into this RCS system will be taken as an acceptance of the terms and conditions hereunder. Failure to follow these

instructions may result in damage to your printer and the voiding of the CIS warranty.


As Lyson RCS are self installed by the user, Lyson is not responsible for any damages to your printer, whether they are or are not
related to the Lyson RCS. Please contact the store or dealer where the printer was purchased, or the printer manufacturer for any

problems or questions related to the printer and its operation.

If the Customer chooses to use ink in the system from a manufacturer other than Lyson, and is not satisfied with that ink, or it

clogs the printer or the RCS, it will be the Customers responsibility to pay for the parts to repair the system and restore it to

normal usage.


Lyson RCS systems are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for the period of six months from date of system



We can only guarantee that the Lyson RCS will deliver Lyson ink just as well as a normal ink cartridge. We will not accept

unauthorized returns of used systems, nor can we accept returns of systems filled with an ink that the customer later decides does

not meet their specific needs. You are encouraged to take all steps necessary to verify that Lyson inks will produce a satisfactory

result before installing this RCS. If in doubt, ask for a print sample from your supplier






The Lyson Refill Cartridge System (RCS) relies on a unique cartridge reader chip, which reads your original OEM

brand cartridge chip, and conveys a permanently full status to the printer status monitor. Customers must ensure

that the original OEM brand cartridges which are to be replaced have at least 10% fill status remaining. Your new

cartridge chip ‘piggy backs’ on to your original OEM chip, using it’s encryption codes. The result is a refillable

cartridge which displays a permanently ‘full’ condition in your status monitor. Monitor the ink levels in each

cartridge visually simply open your printer cartridge lid periodically, to check each ink level in turn, as each

cartridge has a translucent case. It is extremely important never to allow any cartridge to run dry, as this can

endanger your printer ink head.