21 4. appendices, Pitch bend, Ring modulator – KORG AX1000G User Manual

Page 21: Delay, Sample and play

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4. Appendices

Pitch bend

This is a Pitch shifter that uses the pedal to control the pitch.

If you use this effect in a program where the MODULA-
effect block is on, the MODULATION effect block
will automatically be turned off.



Knob 1 TIME

Adjust the delay time.

Knob 2 FEEDBACK Adjust the amount of feedback

(delay repeats).

Knob 3 PITCH

Adjust the amount of pitch change.

Knob 4 FINE

Make fine adjustments to the amount of

pitch change.

Knob 5 MIX

Adjust the mix amount of the effect. With

a setting of 10, only the effect sound will

be output.

Ring modulator

This effect multiplies the original sound with a sine wave to
produce bell-like effects. The cleanest results will be produced if
you use the neck pickup of your guitar, turn down the tone, and
pluck the string near the twelfth fret.

If you use this effect in a program where the MODULA-
effect block is on, the MODULATION effect block
will automatically be turned off.



This is a ring modulator that lets you use the pedal to control
the frequency.

Knob 3 PITCH

Adjust the tone when the pedal is



These effects mix a time-delayed sound with the original sound
to add depth and spaciousness to the sound.

If you use this effect in a program where the AMBIENCE
effect block is on, the AMBIENCE effect block will
automatically be turned off.



This will normally function as a delay, but when the pedal is
advanced all the way forward to press the switch, the pedal
LED will light and the sound will be held (the delay sound will
continue to be heard). Since you can use the pedal to control
the input level to the delay, you can easily produce special
effects such as sound-on-sound.



This is a tap tempo delay that allows you to set the delay
tempo by pressing the pedal switch twice. While the tempo is
being specified, the pedal LED will light.

Knob 1 TIME

Adjust the delay time.

Knob 2 FEEDBACK Adjust the feedback amount

(delay repeats).

Knob 3 TONE

Adjust the tone of the effect sound.

Knob 4 ———


Knob 5 MIX

Adjust the mix amount of the effect


Sample and play

If you use this effect in a program where the AMBIENCE
effect block is on, the AMBIENCE effect block will
automatically be turned off.



This allows approximately 8 seconds of recording. By using the
reverse setting, you can produce special “scratch” effects.

1. Press the expression pedal all the way to enter record-

ready mode. The pedal LED will blink.

2. Play a phrase etc. on your guitar. Recording will begin

automatically , and the pedal LED will light.

3. When the recording time specified by TIME has elapsed,

recording will end and the pedal LED will not be lit.
Alternatively, you can stop recording before the specified
recording time has elapsed by pressing the pedal all the
way (i.e., pressing the pedal switch).
To re-do the recording, repeat the procedure from step 1.

During recording, you can also return the pedal and then
press it again to stop recording and begin playback.

4. Operate the expression pedal. When you advance the

pedal, the recorded phrase will playback. If you have set

to x1x8, returning the pedal will cause the

sound to playback in reverse at the specified speed. If
you set REVERSE to OFF, the sound will only playback
forward. With a setting of LP1 or LP2, advancing the
pedal will playback the sound as a repeating loop. When
you return the pedal and then advance the pedal again,
playback will begin from the beginning.

Recording will not begin unless you play your guitar
louder than the threshold.

The recording sound will be erased when you enter
Phrase Trainer mode or when you turn off the power.

Knob 1 TIME

Specify the sample time (recording time).

Knob 2 REVERSE OFF: When you press the pedal, the

sound will playback to the end and

then stop.

x1x8: Press the pedal to playback, and

return the pedal to playback in


LP1: Press the pedal to playback as a

loop, and return the pedal to stop.

LP2: Press the pedal to playback as a

loop, and return the pedal to

playback to the end and then stop.

Knob 3 ———


Knob 4 ———


Knob 5 MIX

Adjust the output level of the sampled
