System limitations – Sony CD-UX71 User Manual

Page 105

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ICD-UX71/UX81/UX71F/UX81F/UX91F 4-114-023-41(1)










System limitations

There are some system limitations of the IC recorder. Troubles as mentioned below are

not malfunctions of the IC recorder.



You cannot record

messages up to the

maximum recording time.

If you record messages in a mixture of ST, STSP, STLP, SP and LP

modes, the recordable time varies from the maximum ST mode

recording time to the maximum LP mode recording time.
The sum of the number on the counter (elapsed recording

time) and the remaining recording time may be less than the

IC recorder’s maximum recording time.

You cannot display music

files in order.

If you have transferred music files using your computer, those

files may not be copied in order of transfer because of the

System limitation.

A message/music file is

automatically divided.

The message/music file has reached the maximum size limit

(1 GB), therefore it is automatically divided.

You cannot enter lower-

case characters.

Depending on the combination of the characters used for

the folder name that was made on your computer, those

characters may change to all capitals.

” is displayed in place of

a folder name, title, artist

name, or file name.

A character which cannot be displayed on the IC recorder has

been used. Using your computer, replace it with one which can

be displayed on the IC recorder.

You cannot specify the

finishing point B.

You cannot specify the finishing point B before the starting

point A that has been set.

When you set A-B Repeat

playback, the set positions

move a little.

Depending on the files transferred to the IC recorder from your

computer, the set positions may move.