The frequency bank system – Sennheiser EK 2000 IEM User Manual

Page 6

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The EK 2000 IEM diversity receiver

These transmitters are available in the same UHF frequency ranges and are
equipped with the same frequency bank system with factory-preset
frequencies. An advantage of the factory-preset frequencies is that

• a transmission system is ready for immediate use after switch-on,

• several transmission systems can be operated simultaneously on the

preset frequencies without causing intermodulation interference.

The frequency bank system

The receiver is available in 5 UHF frequency ranges with up to
3,000 receiving frequencies per frequency range:

Each frequency range (Aw–Dw, Gw) offers 26 frequency banks with up to
32 channels each:

Each of the channels in the frequency banks “


” to “


” has been factory-

preset to a fixed receiving frequency (frequency preset). The factory-
preset frequencies within one frequency bank are intermodulation-free.
These frequencies cannot be changed.

For an overview of the frequency presets, please refer to the supplied
frequency information sheet. Updated versions of the frequency informa-
tion sheet can be downloaded from the EK 2000 IEM product page on our
website at





Range Gw:

558 – 626

Range Bw:

626 – 698

Range Cw:

718 – 790

Range Dw:

790 – 865

516 – 558

Range Aw:

Frequency bank 1... 20

Frequency bank U1 ... U6

Channel 32 – frequency preset

Channel 1 – frequency preset

Channel 2 – frequency preset

Channel 32 – freely selectable frequency

Channel 1 – freely selectable frequency

Channel 2 – freely selectable frequency