Intellinet Network Solutions Wireless G Broadband Router 523431 User Manual
Page 28

This page shows current Internet connection status (WAN port), including
Connection Type, Connection Status, WAN IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway and DNS server. With dynamic IP or PPPoE DSL connections, the
“Connect” or “Disconnect” button will be shown on this page. Click the “Connect”
button to connect with the Internet; click the “Disconnect” button to disconnect from
the Internet.
Refresh: Refreshes the current Web page. All of the following Web pages will have
this button with the same function.
Save: Saves the configuration of the router whenever you make a change to the
configuration on any screen. Failing to save the configuration will result in a loss of
all parameter changes made since the last time the configuration was saved.
4.5.2 Wireless Status
Click “Status” —> “Wireless Status.”