11b self-test print-out explanation (continued), Bluetooth self-test print-out explanation – Intermec PB41 User Manual
Page 11

PB41 Printer Quick Start Guide
802.11b Self-Test Print-out Explanation (continued)
Test Item
Available Graphics
LOC shows whether a font is Resident (R) or
Downloaded (D); DESCRIPTION describes the
graphic; Version and DATA of graphic program
load;NAMES give the “Easy Print” name, the Line
Printer name, and the hexadecimal equivalent of that
Available Bar Codes
All supported barcodes are displayed. “DE-
SCRIPTION” describes the graphic. “NAMES”
give the “Easy Print” name, the Line Printer name,
and the hexadecimal equivalent of that name.
Bluetooth Self-Test Print-out Explanation
Test Item
F/W Ver
The internal software version (6.46 or greater)
The seconds between printing and sleep mode
RF Timeout
Baud Rate
The speed at which the printer receives data
Odd, Even, or None
Data Bits
Matches with computer sending data to printer
The way the printer handles flow control from host
Burn Adj
Amount of heat used to print on the thermal paper
May be turned On or Off
Chrg Beep
May be turned On or Off
Batt1 Volt
Current voltage of the first battery pack
Batt2 Volt
Current voltage of the second battery pack
Printhd Tmp
Temperature of the printer head (between 0 and 50
1 Mb or 4 Mb Flash/1 Mb or 4 Mb RAM
Boot Ver
Boot sector firmware
ComCtl Ver
Communication Controller Version
Bluetooth RF Config
Bar code shows MAC address for Bluetooth device;
BT Device Name; BT Service Name; BT Profile;
Class of Device; Discoverable; Connectable; Bond-
able; Authentication; Encryption; Passkey