Innovation Technology SF6 User Manual

Page 17

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Settings on despatch as found in User Setup

Instrument serial Number P1


Peak Hold (gauge)

0.5 s

Peak Hold (screen)


Display Units

E-6 ml/s

Desen. Factor 1

5 x

Desen Factor 2

10 x

Standby Mode

Light + sensor

Standby Delay

15 min

RS232 Protocol


Sound Type


Sound begins at

20% Alarm

Live tick


Filter Threshold


Filter Count



A Citizen dot matrix printer type iDP together with a mains transformer is supplied as an
option. Additional printer rolls can be obtained from ISL or from your local computer
printer supplier. Below the paper roll is a DIL switch having 4 switches. With DTR/DRS
selected from the user set-up ALL 4 SWITCHES MUST BE IN THE OFF POSITION.

Switch the printer ON using the side mounted slide switch. The POWER and SEL green
lights should be lit. Press SEL to turn OFF the light and use LF to advance the paper.
Now switch SEL ON and you can now print the stored results by tapping the screen,
entering OPEN OPERATOR LEVEL then DATA PRINTOUT. The printer will then

Note that if you try to print with SEL OFF the screen will show print in progress, and then
time out.

If you have entered your operator or company information in Operator ID see 9.1 page 8
This will appear in the printed message.

16.6 Spares & Consumables:

Description Part No
Sensor probe complete.

P1 100 0000

Steel tipped top-cap (25mm)

P1 100 0004

supplied in packs of 3


P1 100 0005

supplied in packs of 10

Manual Iss 07
Software version V1.39BB
Compiled by Mel Vinton.