Innovation Technology SF6 User Manual
Page 13

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User set-up
This gives access to a number of parameters which determine the behaviour of the
instrument. They are described as follows and all are selected using the up/down arrows
and changed using the -/+ buttons.
Peakhold (gauge). This due to the short recovery time after detecting a leak, this
function is helpful. The peak value will be held on the handgun display for the time you
select. In position OFF, no peak hold occurs.
Peakhold (screen) on the touch-screen, two leak rate displays are visible: the
main display in big digits, and the auxiliary display below it. One of them always shows
the ‘live’ reading, while the other holds a peak value (if selected). This is factory pre set
In this position (AUX DISP) the big display shows the live reading, while the auxiliary
display holds the peak. If set to MAIN DISPLAY, the peak hold is held on the big display,
while the auxiliary display shows the live reading.
The peak hold seen on the console display represents the value that is stored in memory
when the STORE key is pressed. Pressing either the STORE or CLEAR buttons resets
Display units
The touch-screen display and alarm level entries, as well as reference leak values, will
operate in the units you select.
Use the +/- buttons to change between E-6 ml/sec, E-7 ml/sec, gm/yr and ppm.
For gm/yr and ppm measurements, all the above parameters are held separately and do
not need to be re-entered when changing between leak rate and concentration modes.
There is also a separate calibration factor for each mode.
Gm/yr (weight loss) and ppm (concentration) measurement should not be used for leak
detection. Leaks are measured in volume loss/time (ml/sec). .ppm mode demands a
higher sensitivity, than leak rate mode. When measuring low ppm concentrations the
display responds considerably slower. Response time depends on the actual
concentration and, at very low levels, may exceed 10 seconds.
In the present software version, the ppm mode is
still in an experimental state. Therefore all
information is approximate. For precise ppm
measurement it is recommended that calibration
is made to a 10ppm SF6 in air source. For more
information please contact ISL.
Desens Factors. Allow large leaks or large concentrations to be displayed.