Initial Technology Recorder User Manual
Page 6

Dealer name (list automatically populates when name or partial name is
typed in). This list is determined by Sony and updated as necessary.
Model (from eligible product list provided by Sony and updated as
Unit dollar amount (must be within price range provided by Sony and
updated quarterly)
• Once the information is entered, participants click on the “add” button to add multiple line
items for that invoice
• After all line items for the invoice are added, the participant clicks on the “submit” button
• The participant can then either choose to enter more invoices or view the claim
confirmation page
If the participant chooses to enter more invoices, they are taken back to the
claim form page
• When the participant chooses to view the claim confirmation page, they will see a page
with all the claims entered for that day
• The participant is required to print the claim confirmation page and mail or fax that in with
their invoice backup for approval
• Participants are sent a Backup Reminder E-mail the 5
and 10
days after the invoice is
entered if backup is not received. NOTE: New for 2003, claims will not expire until 30
days after the claim is entered and no backup is received as opposed to the
original 12 days.
• If no backup is received within 30 days from the day the claim is entered, a Claim Status
E-mail is sent notifying the user that the claim will not be paid
• Rewarding Recording® Dollars are not issued until backup is received and approved by
Program Headquarters
• Approved Rewarding Recording® Dollars are issued by MEC via overnight process.
Each night, any claims that are indicated “approved” will change from “pending” to
“approved” and Rewarding Recording® Dollars awarded. Furthermore, any participants
with claims for which no backup has been received within 5 or 10 days will receive a
reminder e-mail via the same overnight process.
• Once Rewarding Recording® Dollars are issued to the participant
they are immediately
available for redemption
BEGINNING APRIL 2004 – Ad Hoc Sony Authorized Dealer Participants
• Claims for Newly Authorized Dealer Participants are received via file feed by the 10
each calendar month on to MECs FTP site
• The file feed for new Dealers must follow the requirements in Appendix VI
• Dealer Sales Files are processed within 48-72 hours of receipt (dependent upon receipt
from Dealer)
• Records matched to existing e-mail addresses in the database will have claims applied to
the account
• Records not matching any existing e-mail addresses in the database are considered new
accounts and are automatically enrolled (see Enrollment Process above)
• Claims on the Dealer Sales Files are assumed to be valid and are not subject to system
validation checks
• Authorized Dealer Participants can also claim sales as Online Participants (see
procedures above)
• As of March 1, 2004, participants are not allowed to claim from dealers Edgewise and
Innovative Business Product. Users will receive the following message when trying to
claim from a dealer that sends files to MEC:
• As of April 1, 2004, participants are not allowed to claim from dealers RM&E and VSA.
Users will receive the following message when trying to claim from a dealer that sends
files to MEC: