IBM Partner Pavilion 6400 User Manual

Page 34

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coax command interpreter


Multi–Platform Interface Feature Operation Guide




Enable the command interpreter. Ignored if already on.


Disable the command interpreter - Default, power up
state. Ignored if already off.


Hexadecimal pass-thru mode. Data following this
command is packed into hexadecimal pairs and sent to
the printer. The command may be terminated by sending
the "@" character. Any non-hexadecimal characters
(except the "@") are ignored.
Terminate Hex mode by sending an at sign "@".


Forms Length Switch. This command is accepted only in
LU3 (DSE) mode. It will set the forms length (in lines) to
the value of the three digit number immediately following
the command. Top of form will be set to the current
physical line. The value must be in the range 000 - 127.
There may NOT be any other characters embedded and
the forms length MUST be three digits long.
Sending the FLS command causes the MPI to load the
printers VFU and set the Top Of Form to the present

¬L03 or
¬L04 or
¬L06 or


Lines Per Inch. This command is accepted in LU3 (DSE)
mode only. It will set the line spacing to 3, 4, 6 or 8 lines
per inch.

Table 5 Coax Command Interpreter commands


The command interpreter is enabled after
the ¬ONN command is received.

The command interpreter is disabled by
sending a ¬OFF command. The default
power up state of the command interpreter
is disabled.

Table 5 gives an explanation of all the
commands available.