Verify printer connected – Infinite Peripherals PP-55 User Manual

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Infinite Peripherals, Inc.



PP-55 User’s Manual v4.01 for Pocket PC

Verify Printer Connected

After installing the Print Manager software package on to your PDA, do a quick check to
determine if the printer is charged and PDA is securely in the PP-55 cradle.

The following will help you to determine these conditions.

Case #1: Open the Print Manager so that

the screen on the right is displayed.

Note that the printer [Voltage] indicates
no data.

The same is true for the [Temperature] option.

This means that PP-55 is not connected.

Figure 23

Case #2: Open the Print Manager so that the

screen on the right is displayed.

Tap the [ Connect ] command option.
If connection was successful, the Voltage
and Temperature fields should now indicate
values as shown in the example on the right.

Figure 24

Note: If Voltage and Temperature fields still show no connectivity as in Case #1 and the battery
has been initially charged, refer back to section “Attaching PDA” to make sure the PDA
has been attached correctly.