ICP DAS USA I-2532 User Manual
The i-2532 can to fiber converter, Quick start user guide, Introduction

I-2532 CAN to Fiber Converter Quick Start User Guide (ver. 1.1, 2008/10/03) -----1
Quick Start User Guide
1. Introduction
Fiber optic transmission medium is a good material to protect data
transmission from EMI/RFI interference and has been used in harsh
environment extensively. CAN bus is famous in industrial application.
More and more users build CAN networks to communicate their
controllers, sensors and actuators. In order to solve the problem between
different transmission medium, I-2532 is specially designed for converting
the electrical CAN bus signal to fiber optic cables.
The fiber length between two I-2532s can be up to 1.4km (4593ft), it is
mainly decided by the cable attenuation of fiber and the CAN bus baud. I-
2532 is the economic solution for applications which require protecting the
data transmission from electrical exposure, surges, lightning or chemical
corrosion. Generally, I-2532 can be used in CANopen, DeviceNet and all
the other CAN network which follows the ISO 11898-2 standard.
This quick-start describes how to implement the I-2532 module into
users’ applications in a quick and easy way. Therefore, it only provides the
basic concepts. If users want to know more detail information about the I-
2532, please refer to the user manual of I-2532 in the product CD or visit
our website as follows:
The I-2532 CAN to Fiber Converter
CAN Device
CAN Device
CAN Device
Up to 1.4 Km
CAN Device
62.5/125 µm multimode Fiber
Cable Attenuation of Fiber < 2.8 dB/Km
ISO 11898-2
ISO 11898-2