iTunes SPECTRA 8 User Manual

Page 14

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Ituner Networks Corp. Spectra 8

To start your module execute:
modprobe bttv

This will load bttv with default settings. In order to check if the driver has loaded, do a lsmod and
you should see:

...bttv 77760 0 (unused)
video-buf 9200 0 [bttv] ...

You can alter the default setting by adding them to your /etc/modules.conf or directly on the
command line.

Modifying /etc/modules.conf
You can add this line for you Spectra Card in your modules.conf.
options bttv card=98,98,98,98 radio=0 tuner=4 chroma_agc=1 vbibufs=4 v4l2=1 gbuffers=16

Option card=98,98,98,98 is needed for Spectra8 Card to work correctly if it’s not autodetected by

Advanced usage for the Spectra8 expansion module.

To grab from the other 4 devices (inputs 4-8) you need to grab the video from the same device
but specify another channel number. Each device has 4 channels but Spectra8 uses only the
first 2. (0 is for the ports on the board itself and 1 is for the ports on the extension bracket). In
order to test the card, you can download bttvgrab from



For the first port of Spectra8 :

bttvgrab -Q -G /dev/video0 -S 0 -o X

For the first port on the extension of the Spectra8:
bttvgrab -Q -G /dev/video0 -S 1 -o X