II Morrow Inc. 920 User Manual

Page 67

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Starting a Route

When you are ready to navigate a route, it
must be started. Only one route may be started
at any time.

Select the route you wish to start from the
route menu. Select “Start” to start the route.

You may choose to
navigate the route
in either direction.

Select “Normal” to navigate the route the way
it was created, or select “Reverse” to navigate
the route from the destination waypoint to the
point of origin. After a route is started, (route
“On”) you can view other routes or edit them.
From the route screen, you can quickly return
to the active route by pressing and holding the
ENTER key.
Stopping or Holding a Route

A route on “hold” can be resumed from a
waypoint along the route, whereas a stopped
route must be restarted from the waypoint of