Ingersoll-Rand 7120 User Manual
Page 33

7/120 (P425AWIR), 9/110 (XP375AWIR), 10/105 (HP375AWIR), 14/85 (VHP300AWIR),
7/170 (P600WIR), 10/125 (HP450WIR), 14/115 (VHP400WIR)
IMPORTANT: DO NOT store diesel fuel in
galvanized containers. Diesel fuel stored in
galvanized containers reacts with zinc
coating on container to form zinc flakes. If
fuel contains water, a zinc gel will also form.
The gel and flakes will quickly plug fuel
filters, damage injection nozzles and
injection pump.
DO NOT use brass–coated containers for
fuel storage. Brass is an alloy of copper and
Store diesel fuel in plastic, aluminum, and steel
containers specially coated for diesel fuel
Avoid storing fuel over long periods of time. If
fuel is stored for more than a month prior to
use, or there is a slow turnover in fuel tank or
supply tank, add a fuel conditioner to stabilize
the fuel, prevent water condensation.
Minimizing the Effect of Cold Weather on
Diesel Engines
Ingersoll–Rand diesel engines are designed to
operate effectively in cold weather.
See your authorized engine distributor or
servicing dealer for additional information and
availability of cold weather aids.
Use Grade No. 1–D Fuel
When temperatures fall below 5
C (40
Grade No. 1–D fuel is best suited for cold
weather operation.
Diesel Fuel Additive
IMPORTANT: Treat fuel when outside
temperature drops below 0
C (32
F). For
best results, use with untreated fuel. Follow
all recommended instructions on label.
Use a fuel conditioner (Winter) to treat fuel
during the cold weather season. Winter
formulation is a combination diesel fuel
conditioner and anti–gel additive.
Diesel Engine Oil
Use SAE15W–40 oil viscosity based on the
expected air temperature range of 10
F to
F (–12
C) during the period between
oil changes.
The following oil is preferred:
Engine Fluid
Other oils may be used if they meet one or
more of the following:
API Service Classification CI–4
API Service Classification CH–4
ACEA Specification E3
ACEA Specification E4
ACEA Specification E5
Multi–viscosity diesel engine oils are
Diesel fuel quality and sulfur content must
comply with all existing emissions regulations
for the area in which the engine operates.
If diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than
0.05% (500 ppm) is used, reduce the oil and
filter change interval by 100 hours.
If diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than
0.5% (5000 ppm) is used, reduce the service
interval by 50%.
Diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 1.0%
(10,000 ppm) is not recommended.