Disposal instructions, Please read the following carefully, Important – Harbor Freight Tools 40195 User Manual
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SKU 40195
for technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
diSpOSal inStRuctiOnS
this item contains a nicd battery that must be recycled or disposed of
properly. do not dispose of this item without first removing the nicd battery
for proper disposal/recycling. Removing the battery will destroy the shaver and
should only be done prior to disposal.
Remove the two Screws on the back of the shaver towards the bottom.
Flip up the Trimmer (2) and remove the two screws from the holes that are now
Swing the back housing of the Shaver up from the rear forward.
Using wire cutters (not included), clip the two tabs that are soldered to the battery.
Dispose of battery properly or recycle it. For information on free NiCd battery recy-
cling, call 1-800-444-3353.
pleaSe Read the fOllOwing caRefully
the ManufactuReR and/OR diStRibutOR haS pROVided the paRtS liSt and
aSSeMbly diagRaM in thiS Manual aS a RefeRence tOOl Only. neitheR the
ManufactuReR OR diStRibutOR MaKeS any RepReSentatiOn OR waRRanty
Of any Kind tO the buyeR that he OR She iS qualified tO MaKe any RepaiRS
tO the pROduct, OR that he OR She iS qualified tO Replace any paRtS Of
the pROduct. in fact, the ManufactuReR and/OR diStRibutOR expReSSly
StateS that all RepaiRS and paRtS ReplaceMentS ShOuld be undeRtaKen
by ceRtified and licenSed technicianS, and nOt by the buyeR. the buyeR
aSSuMeS all RiSK and liability aRiSing Out Of hiS OR heR RepaiRS tO the
ORiginal pROduct OR ReplaceMent paRtS theRetO, OR aRiSing Out Of hiS
OR heR inStallatiOn Of ReplaceMent paRtS theRetO.