Keys and switches description – CITIZEN CX-121II User Manual

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Numerical key
Used to enter number into calculator.


Decimal point key
Used to enter decimal point.


Change sign key
Reverse the sign of the data of the X-register.


Multiplication and division key
Stores multiplication and division orders and performs multi-
plication and division orders stored previously.
Perform repeat multiplication and division calculation.


Equal key
Performs multiplication, division, %, constant calculations and
other calculations.


Digit Shift Key
Shift right the displayed number per digit before any function
key be pressed.


Clear entry key
When this key is pressed after an entry of a number. Clear
entry number.
In other situation, clear display and all registered calcula-
tions except memory.


Percent key
Performs percent calculations.


Sub total key
Used to display and print the contents of the total memory.


Total key
Display and print the contents of the total memory and clears


Plus key
Adds an amount to the accumulator. To add the same amount
more than one time (repeat addition), enter that amount once
and depress the Plus key as many times as necessary. If
this key is depressed immediately after


key, it works as

percent plus key.


Minus key
To subtract the same amount more than one time (repeat
subtraction), enter that amount once and depress the Minus
key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed
immediately after


key, if words as percent minus key.


Memory subtotal key
When press this key once,display and print the cantents of
the independent memory.
When press this key twice, Display and print the contents of
the independent memory and clears it.


Mark-up key
For the calculation of sales or purchase price with profit


Paper feed key