Using the 200dx – Humminbird 200DX User Manual
Page 32

Fish ID. There are three selections available: Off, ID+ ON, and
Adjust. The factory setting is ID+ On. With Fish ID Off, sonar
returns are displayed as “raw” information. There is no
interpretation made by the unit. Selecting ID Off also disables the
fish alarm.
ID+ On enables the 200DX to interpret the raw sonar data, and
using a variety of techniques, depict appropriate target returns as
one of three different size fish symbols. Further identification
shows whether the fish is in the wide or narrow beam. The 200DX
also displays the depth beneath the surface with the corresponding
fish symbol.
Selecting Adjust and making incremental changes enhances the
fishfinder’s ability to identify sonar returns as fish symbols.
Increasing the value to a number greater than zero shows more
fish symbols on-screen. In this case smaller sonar returns will be
depicted as fish symbols. This is useful for identifying many smaller
sonar returns (suck as baitfish) as fish symbols.
Decreasing the value to a number less than zero shows fewer fish symbols on-screen.
In this case smaller sonar returns are disregarded. This is useful for eliminating many
small sonar returns when seeking larger species of fish.
The 200DX remembers this selection even when the unit is powered off.
Numeral Size. Two options are available: Big and Small. The
factory setting is Big. With this setting, the digital depth and
speed and temp numerals are drawn large enough to be read
from across the boat. The big numerals occupy space on the
display that could be used for the graphics area. Hence the
small numerals option. With small numerals selected a greater
amount of the display area is available for the graphic view. This
effectively increases the display resolution of the unit.
Numeral Size settings are remembered when powered off.