Handspring PDA Mouse User Manual
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The Genovation PDA Mouse is designed to fulfill the promise that add-on
keyboards have failed to deliver: complete PalmOS control without the stylus!
You can’t live without the mouse on your PC, now enjoy the same benefits on
your PalmOS handheld. The Genovation PDA Mouse driver works along-side
your favorite keyboard to finally provide complete stylus-free operation.
System Requirements
or Handspring
PDA – PalmOS
Version 3.0 or above.
Palm Desktop software (for installing the PRC).
Before You Begin
Before you install your Mouse software (PRC file), make sure you have
already installed the Palm Desktop software and performed at least one
HotSync with your PDA. The latest version of the Palm Desktop can be
downloaded at
To install the driver on your handheld insert the floppy disk supplied with your
PDA Mouse into the 3 ½” floppy drive on your PC. From the Windows Start
Menu choose Run and then type A:Setup.exe
and click on OK.